Building reality


Building reality

The created reality is individual and unique. The personification of true freedom, or true bondage. Reality depends on the chosen vector, orientation and fullness. The free reality will be personal, own, created strictly for itself and under itself. Deprived of everything alien, everything burdensome, personal reality is built with interest, reverently and delicately, paying attention to the smallest details. There is nothing in it that irritates, nothing that burdens and compels. It is ideal in nature, because it consists exclusively of valuable, important and necessary. Consists of what is impossible to have when the reality is filled with bondage. When does bondage form? As soon as reality is filled with something else, as soon as it is built for someone, but not for itself. When there is someone else in the constructed reality, even if it is tuned neutrally or for interaction, it will no longer be either its own or free. It is worth choosing which reality to build carefully and delicately. After all, what this reality will be like will largely determine what life will be like in this reality.

Thank you for attention!





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