
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Ukui ….. Change inside, no change. Shift outside, no shift. Changes, improves, removes everything that is not included in the essence. The change in essence itself is a priority. Capable of creating what is impossible. Capable of changing what has never changed. Unique, new, practical, ideal. Seemingly strange and not seeming strange at all. Change always leads to liberation. Change always removes old shackles. If you follow only one simple principle during your shift. 48 S i n 00.145 …..


  Akui ….. The direction is opposite to the movement. Swift, sharp, dynamic and confident. Capable of changing depending on internal impulse. Capable of everything, depending on the vector. Does not destroy, does not destroy, does not unbalance. Complements and improves, making it new, better. Creating a new illusion, creating a new direction. Creating something that should change everything and make it better. Or, on the contrary, everything should be cleared away, like the past. 47 S i n 00.145 …..




  Kuit ….. Moving away from traffic. Unbalancing and being in balance in parallel. The vector is changing, rapidly creating a new structure. There was no such thing before, there is no such thing and there never will be. Never existing and existing at the same time. The structure affects the movement itself. Improving it, changing the very essence. Removing unnecessary things, things that don't matter. Changing everything around to the beat of yourself. Excellence based on excellence. And ultimately leading to perfection. 46 S i n 00.145 …..

Clai (video)



  Ahen ….. Perfection modified by its own structure. Doesn't change by changing at the same time. While improving, one does not improve at the same time. Unique at its core and perfect beyond its core. It contains everything and is everything. And nothing at the same time, thereby becoming different. Including vector, including direction. Capable of fundamentally changing the very essence of everything. And become something that becomes fundamental. Perfect and unique in its own right. What was once different. Something that could not change on its own. 45 Sin 00.132 …..


  Ihen ….. The structure changes itself. Improving and becoming different. Plasticity as the basis improves quality. Changing yourself and everything that comes from it. Something that has a perfect structure. Something that has statics and dynamics at its core. Everything that touches the base changes and improves it. Everything that was once outside becomes outside. A unique change like this will improve everything. It will create something new where the old was destroyed. Thus developing. 44 S i n 00.132 …..


  Hent ….. The bottom line is several. Unique, separate, perfect principles. Combined, according to one, single scenario. By perfection included in the very essence of the foundation. By principles known and unknown. Having become the essence of the foundation and gone far beyond its limits. The new is born by destroying the old. Transforming and changing, changing the principles themselves. Changing everything that once was, what is and what will be. Everything that once had a sign will become different. Committed, practical, capable of change. Without changing the main thing that underlies it. 43 S i n 00.132 …..


  Uhen ….. Combining static and dynamic direction. Changing the perfection created at the core. The essence itself changes, becoming different. So unusual that there were no analogues. Unique, perfect at its core. Dynamic and static at the same time. Capable of becoming extremely different and extremely practical. Changing yourself and changing everything at your core. The basis will become different, the appearance itself, the very essence will change. 43 Sin 00.132 …..



Sad hedgehog...

  Sad hedgehog...   So what does a person really want? If you delve into your head and honestly ask, he will say - "to be needed, significant, to feel support and care." I haven't met anyone who would say otherwise. You can ask yourself honestly yourself, you will get the same answer. That is, each of the 8 billion wants to be needed, significant, feel supported and cared for. Let's develop the idea further. When everyone gets what he wants, he is satisfied and gives the same in return. I have not met anyone who, having received significance, support and care, would not take care of the one who gave it to him. Therefore, once it protects, it means that he himself will take care, appreciate and support in return. For what is the point of destroying those conditions where it is good for him? That's right, it makes no sense.   Now for the sad reality. There are 8 billion people in the world, with "penny". You can not count the "penny", the...


  Roes ….. Orientation matters. The vector determines the path, determines the aspiration. Creating the only true movement. Forming the only true impulse. Improving, creating new, unique, unlike. Amplification creates dynamics. Dynamics is inseparable from statics. Everything is being improved and created in continuous motion. In a direction that has no beginning or end. Become what you aspire to be. Finding what it aims for. Managing what matters. 41 S i n 00.124 …..


  Roen ….. Spraying forms a new, fundamentally different. The perfect springs from the imperfect. Getting better, getting stronger, gaining will. Moving away significantly in a specific vector. Become more powerful, gaining true power. Heads to the starting point of the stream. By creating an improved form, perfect at its core. Subordinating the flow, managing it, changing the structure. Based on an individual completed vector. Changing everything around, subordinating everything around exclusively to itself. Perfection becomes even more perfect. 40 S i n 00.124 …..