Sad hedgehog...


Sad hedgehog...


So what does a person really want? If you delve into your head and honestly ask, he will say - "to be needed, significant, to feel support and care." I haven't met anyone who would say otherwise. You can ask yourself honestly yourself, you will get the same answer. That is, each of the 8 billion wants to be needed, significant, feel supported and cared for. Let's develop the idea further. When everyone gets what he wants, he is satisfied and gives the same in return. I have not met anyone who, having received significance, support and care, would not take care of the one who gave it to him. Therefore, once it protects, it means that he himself will take care, appreciate and support in return. For what is the point of destroying those conditions where it is good for him? That's right, it makes no sense.


Now for the sad reality. There are 8 billion people in the world, with "penny". You can not count the "penny", they have their own nuance, for which I will not say anything. Let's stop at eight billion. Among these eight billion equally, both men and women. Therefore, for every 4 billion men, there are 4 billion women. I note that not 1 billion males account for 7 billion females, but equally. That is, we give one man one woman and everyone is happy. Men get the right women, women get the right men, and the issue of gaining that very significance, support and care is resolved. Well, since according to the reasoning above, having received a state of real significance and value from someone, you will appreciate and cherish in return.


How harmonious everything really is. And everything is thought out and everything is worked out, to the smallest detail. Just a couple of awkward questions. Why then so many singles, so many divorces? Why, instead of the value, care and significance of each other, there are continuous betrayals, polygamy, prostitution everywhere? Why does everyone who so desires to gain significance and value, support and care, not find it? Why in a lifetime, a person changes several partners, and in the end, disappointed at all, loses his desire for this at all? I have never met anyone who was really satisfied with their relationship. No one. Although, as can be seen from the estimate of the number of the species and its distribution on the floor, everything converges perfectly. 8 billion men and women will break into pairs and create strong families, the basis of which will be loyalty, understanding, care and support for each other. I note that the ratio is not 1 to 7, where "for the sake of preserving the species" the inseminator is forced to fertilize 7 females, not 7 to 1, where the males must fight with each other for the right to inseminate the female. And all equally, that is, every male has a female, every female has a male.


So why the constant change of partners, pain and disappointment? Why are there no strong families, strong relationships built on loyalty, honor and reciprocity? The problem, as you can see, is not in the person, in fact, the person is not to blame for anything. He just wants to be needed, significant and receive care and support. Now, for a second, we separate in our heads what calls itself a “subpersonality formed by society”, put it in front of us and ask: “why am I sitting alone, why am I not needed, why are they constantly cheating on me, and so on?”. That is, we ask the main "hero of the occasion" why he does not fulfill his task, the function with which he was originally created and was admitted to the head, namely, "to ensure interaction with others." I note that this is not a poor and unfortunate ego, which has already been demonized and kicked by everyone. The question is asked precisely to that “chief champion of peace, goodness, justice and the public,” who takes up space in his head, and he only does what, excuse me, he messes up. Of course, he will immediately make excuses in the style of “you are not ready, you don’t need it, you haven’t matured yet, wait, and so on.”


But these are just excuses. In fact, what's the difference, ready, not ready, ripe, not ripe. For why then did you run around advertising your society, why did you impose it on your head, why did you claim that you have everything and everything is ready? Why climbed with the idea of ​​creating a family, since there is no partner for the family? Why bother with your so-called “social contract” if you don’t follow it yourself? The contract is for that and the contract, in order to have in itself specific obligations assumed by both parties. And it turns out that the social parasite remembers only about his rights and about what is owed to him, but always forgets about what he himself owes. And as a result - a life derailed, because instead of living, you run, you try for the sake of "some position in some society that does not care about you."


Do you know what it looks like? To what people call a scam - you walk down the street, do not touch anyone, then you are literally dragged into the store by force, where they promise you anything, as long as you agree to come in. And then they cheat when it turns out that the right product is not there, they take all the money, and they don’t let it out of the store until you spend all the money there.


What am I leading this to? Once upon a time, that society, that such a mini-parasite of it, was created for one specific task - to ensure interaction and improve the life of each person. That is, so that everyone has his own partner, so that he can be realized in this very “society”, so that his ideas and projects are supported. But since all this is not being fulfilled, and since this very “assistant” actually turned out to be the main liar and manipulator, unable to fulfill his obligations, which he himself undertook. People, maybe it's time to change this unfortunate intermediary? To destroy the parasitic system, instead of it, as an alternative, to create a different society, worthy, capable of really honestly and diligently fulfilling the obligations that it has undertaken? Which will not forever keep in a state of disappointment, will not palm off on someone who is not clear, wipe their feet and deceive? But is it really a society that will be worthy of respect, in which care, attention, respect will be felt? Able to support, not harm?


If someone has anger inside and resentment after reading, I recommend isolating this parasite separately and reading it again, without his "participation". For, as practice shows, the “great idea of social virtue” is very afraid of the truth in its address, when it is called what it really is, and do not hang all the dogs on an innocent ego.


A little quote from me: "Not a single demon will ever recognize himself as such, even catch him hot, he will still dodge, proving his innocence."


P.S. If anything, for this monster I know everything, how he thinks, how he works, how he manipulates, how he deceives, how he breaks life. And most importantly - how to get rid of this parasite and make your life better. If anyone is interested and who decided that he needed an alternative.




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