Labor through eras

Labor through eras

Hard and persistent work, until recently, was the basis for the development of humanity as a species. It was in the crucible of hard work that the Great Empires were forged - Sumer, Greece, Rome, the Ottomans, the Vikings, the Deutsches Reich and many others. All of them stood firmly on the basis of labor, diligent and painstaking, which occupied most of the time. Every time they set to work, the people of these empires not only worked, they improved. They improved conditions, created new, more advanced mechanisms to make their work more productive. And they succeeded, they truly became a real treasure of human history and the human species. And in some ways, it is a tragedy that all their achievements, all the fruits of their hard work are being destroyed now. After centuries, millennia, the world that they built with such difficulty dies. And it is not external enemies who kill him, but the people themselves. Having abandoned hard work and taken the path of consumption, the once worthy humanity has lost its former greatness, its dignity and its high status as a species.










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