
Showing posts from September, 2024


  It is better to be weak among the strong than strong among the weak. Being among the strong, the weak will be able to pull himself up and become equal to them. Being among the weak, the strong will certainly sink to their level. 5./I./1 Sin ….. Es ist besser, unter den Starken schwach zu sein, als stark unter den Schwachen. Da sie zu den Starken gehören, können sich die Schwachen erheben und auf Augenhöhe mit ihnen werden. Da sie zu den Schwachen gehören, werden sich die Starken mit Sicherheit auf ihr Niveau herablassen. 5./I./1 Sin ….. 弱い者の中で強いよりも、強い者の中で弱い方が良い。 強者の中に入ることで、弱者も自らを引き上げ、強者と対等になれるようになるのです。 弱者の中にいると、強者は必ず自分たちのレベルに屈するでしょう。 5./ I ./1 Sin … .. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram Pinterest

The Last Women of Humanity

  The Last Women of Humanity   The photo shows two girls from the Bund Deutscher Mädel. The only organization in the history of humanity that set itself the goal of raising truly Real Women. Not those creatures who today call themselves "real women", but Women who are a reflection of this term. Like almost all the students of this organization, these two girls were killed in 1945 by the Slavic Bolsheviks. Why were they killed? Because they dared to be Women. Because they knew how to be Loyal and had Honor. These qualities were never present in the Slavs and so that they would not exist anywhere and in anyone, the Slavs killed everyone who carried Loyalty and Honor within themselves. They were killed because they highly valued family, and put family values ​​ and raising children first. Bec ause for Slavic women, family is a convention, a burden, and children are expendable material and a means of manipulation, but not a value. They were killed because they were hardworking....

Memories of the Past

Memories of the Past I sincerely liked that old world. The world that died 80 years ago. The world destroyed by that great war. It had everything. There was loyalty, there was honor, there was decency. That world was filled with strong and worthy men, faithful and devoted women. They were united in marriage, which was indestructible and sacred for them. They created strong families, raising respect, honesty, decency and hard work in their children. But a war happened in which the wrong side won. Yes, exactly the wrong side of the conflict, which should have won and whose share should have been to take care of the world in the future. And this is evident from what has happened now. A clear picture of the modern world is a reflection of the choice made then, 80 years ago. The modern world is terrible. There are no longer strong and worthy men, no faithful and devoted women. Strong and sound families are no longer created in it, and the value of marriage has been reduced to zero. Al...


  Baut Verlust hinterlässt keine Leere. Nur für einen kurzen Moment. Solange Sauberkeit herrscht. Das Unbekannte bleibt vorerst bestehen. Was wird als nächstes passieren, in der Leere? Womit wird es gefüllt? Welches Neue wird das Alte ersetzen? Die Leere verändert sich. Verliert seine frühere Bedeutung. Wieder voller neuer Bedeutung. 1./I./1 Sin ….. 試合 喪失は虚しさを残しません。 ほんの一瞬だけ。 清潔感がある限り。 今のところ不明のままです。 次に、虚空の中で何が起こるでしょうか ? 何で満たされるのでしょうか ? 古いものに取って代わる新しいものは何でしょうか ? 空虚は変化しつつある。 以前の意味が失われます。 またまた新たな意味が詰まった。 1./I./1 Sin ….. Baut Tap etterlater ingen tomhet. Bare for et kort øyeblikk. Så lenge det er renslighet. Det ukjente gjenstår foreløpig. Hva vil skje videre, i tomrommet? Hva skal den fylles med? Hva nytt vil komme for å erstatte det gamle? Tomheten er i endring. Mister sin tidligere betydning. Igjen fylt med ny mening. 1./I./1 Sin ….. Baut Tab efterlader ingen tomhed. Kun et kort øjeblik. Så læng...