


What can you see when you pick up a bowl? An item that, despite its generality, may contain enough wisdom. This is just an example, but worth mentioning. When the cup is empty, it is empty. There is freedom inside her, although, to be more precise, limited freedom. After all, the space in the bowl is limited by the walls. The walls act as a limiter, unable to gain infinity for freedom - to spread in all vectors and directions at the same time. But inside the cup itself, freedom has an infinite number of variations, forms, ways to transform. All this set is kept strictly until the bowl starts to fill up. The content, pouring into the bowl, gradually crowds out the freedom inside, leaving it with fewer variations, forms, ways of transformation. As soon as the contents fill the bowl completely, freedom inside will cease to exist. At the moment of full filling, all actions inside will already depend on what the bowl was filled with. And it will no longer be freedom, but full-fledged dependence. Dependence on what the cup was filled with, on what is now inside it.

Thank you for attention!




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