Unique condition. It can be described in different
terms, giving numerous definitions. However, any term describing freedom will
either be incomplete or misleading. For in freedom there are no terms, no
definitions, no framework, no boundaries. In essence, freedom represents the
absence of all that is. After all, being attached to something, freedom ceases
to be such, being lost and losing itself. Freedom, tied to specific frames and
terms, is no longer freedom, but dependence. Whatever this dependence is, it
will be the exact opposite of freedom and everything that it is ready to give.
Whatever the sensations from any of the addictions, no matter how great the
joy, they will never be compared with true freedom - that easy flight that
sweeps inside, breaks out, enveloping you from all sides. This is the main
value of freedom - in the absence of what defines it, what puts boundaries and
obstacles for its existence. No matter how pleasant at first glance these
borders are. Freedom is priceless.
Thank you for attention!
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