
Showing posts from November, 2023


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  Freedom It is not a myth or a legend, which is usually put into a specific framework, surrounded by a series of terms and definitions. Freedom cannot be described in words; it is built solely on sensations. When on your own, intuitive level you feel that nothing is holding you back, nothing is burdening you. When there is no pressure, no distraction, no barriers and restrictions. When you realize your own lightness, something that cannot be described, but that can be felt. This state has no comparison and there are not even words with which to express it. Freedom is popular, although it is not beneficial to others. A free person cannot be controlled or manipulated. He belongs to no one, only to himself. He doesn't listen to anyone, only himself. He is with himself and seems to be close. It exists and it seems like it doesn’t exist. True freedom can be achieved. But only when all the fetters that hold back, fetter and burden fall. When lightness becomes not a temporary feeling...


  Ehan ….. 51.I./1 ….. Involuntary compaction of the structure. Previously occurring after the beginning. Passing your peak. Ends at the pinnacle of development. Becoming soft and pliable. Losing its former strength. Losing its former dynamics. Becoming something that can be stopped. Becoming something that can be avoided. Light and heavy at the same time. Filled and empty at the same time. Something that can no longer be an impulse. Leaving the impulse in its own, complete structure. Sin ….. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram


Ahan ….. 49.I./1 ….. Smoothly approaching completion. The impulse collapses, stopping the movement. Slowing down, stopping, becoming invisible. The vector is established, the vector calms down. Completion is similar to beginning. The impulse differs only in form. Keeping the main thing – the principle. The only principle on which it was based. Turning the end of a movement into its beginning. Stopping and starting. Starting and stopping. And all this in an instant. In one moment, in which there is so much. Meaningful, necessary and valuable. Sin …..   YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram


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The Last Heroes of Humanity - Alois Seifriedsberger

  The Last Heroes of Humanity Alois Seifriedsberger In the last days of its existence, the species Homo Sapiens waged a desperate struggle. For their ideals, for Fidelity, Honor and Dignity. Even in complete blockade, under the threat of destruction, Germany, the last stronghold of the highest ideals of Humanity, resisted a numerous enemy. The most worthy among them were the ranks of the Waffen-SS. One of them is SS-Untersturmführer Alois Seifriedsberger, born at the turn of 1919/20 in the city of Gmunden. A paragon of Fidelity, Honor, Courage and Dignity, the young leader of the Waffen-SS made a last effort to save the world from destruction. At the end of April 1945, while in the city of Linz, Alois Seifriedsberger accomplished the Feat. Having learned about the approach of the enemy, he assembled a battle group from Waffen-SS ranks in the vicinity of the city to confront him. They responded to his call: ·       Part of the Warriors SS-Feld.Ers.Bt...

Strength and Fidelity - Varanus komodoensis

  Strength and Fidelity Varanus komodoensis A unique inhabitant of the Pulau Komodo islands in all respects. Gracefulness, unique style, power and strength of a representative of this species are combined with high intelligence and respectable life principles. Varanus komodoensis can rightfully be called one of the most worthy and intelligent species in the world. Its peculiarity is Fidelity , adherence to the principles of Classical Monogamy, as the only possible principles for building harmonious and coherent relationships. Having chosen a mate, Varanus komodoensis remains Faithful to its life partner, receiving the same Faithfulness as a reward. Thanks to Classic Monogamy, a pair of these majestic life forms creates such a strong bond with each other that it seems as if they are two halves of one whole, fused together. The pair hunts together, builds a nest together, and raises offspring together. An interesting fact can be noted. The species Homo sapiens, which live...


  Ahen ….. 46.I./1 ….. Smoothness gives way to speed. Swiftness follows parallel to smoothness. Being in motion together and separately at the same time. Without stopping for a moment. Without stopping your movement. And being at peace at the same time. In the beginning everything that is, everything that was and everything that will be merges. Becoming what should happen in the end. Perfect, ideal, concise and complete. Becoming yourself. Sin ….. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram

Ehre. Fidelity – Honour – Liberty

  Please support my new project   Ehre   The highest qualities, absolute perfection, which can be achieved through constant, painstaking work on oneself. United into one whole, only they can demonstrate what it means to be the crown of evolution, what it means to become what you have been striving for so long. ·      Fidelity is the personification of reliability. ·      Honour is a symbol of sublimity. ·      Freedom is a natural state. Each of these terms carries more than the whole world. Having become one, they personify life itself. This community will be dedicated to this combination. S i n ….. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram


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  Yhen ….. 40.I./1 ….. The aspiration is directed only forward. By absorbing yourself, filling yourself, improving yourself. Becoming what should be in the finale. Becoming what all aspiration is directed towards. Whole, perfect, fulfilled and complete. At its core, as ideal as its form. In a form that is fundamentally perfect. That which has no beginning and no end. In that which simultaneously has a beginning and which has an end. S i n ….. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram


Ihen ….. 36.I./2 ….. Perfection comes from imperfection. Imperfection comes from perfection. Intertwining, following parallel and following together. Being one and being separate at the same time. As ideal as imperfect. As collected as scattered. As it fills up, it improves. When filled, it gathers. Being in your own beginning. Following to your own end. S i n …..   YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram


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  Ohen ….. 34.I./2 ….. The beginning is always soft, smooth, measured. Slowly, easily, with one touch. It follows, gaining, filling itself with everything that is around. With each turn of the impulse it becomes only stronger. Accumulating, collecting, improving. Replenishing what was once lost. Becoming what you need to get in the end. What was set as the initial goal. Developing a noisy flow. Increasing with every new movement. Intensifying with every moment. Sin ….. YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram

Shon (video)

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  Ehen ….. 30.I./1 ….. Starting small, ending small. Starting from big to big. Combining both big and small. Starting with what has the essence. Starting with what matters. Acquiring, accumulating, creating new things. Filling it, improving it, leaving it in yourself. Swiftly moving towards the dawn. Towards complete filling. Sin ..... YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram

Hont (video)

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  U hen ….. 28.I./ 2 ….. The beginning of a movement, the beginning of the end of a movement. The beginning of an impulse that encircles everything around. Smooth and measured. Slowly and unhurriedly. It absorbs, replenishes, replaces. Creates something new, shapes what is true. Without losing your own essence. Without losing the usual vector. Not forgetting what should not be forgotten. S i n YouTube Facebook MeWe Instagram

Yhon (video)

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