The Last Heroes of Humanity Alois Seifriedsberger In the last days of its existence, the species Homo Sapiens waged a desperate struggle. For their ideals, for Fidelity, Honor and Dignity. Even in complete blockade, under the threat of destruction, Germany, the last stronghold of the highest ideals of Humanity, resisted a numerous enemy. The most worthy among them were the ranks of the Waffen-SS. One of them is SS-Untersturmführer Alois Seifriedsberger, born at the turn of 1919/20 in the city of Gmunden. A paragon of Fidelity, Honor, Courage and Dignity, the young leader of the Waffen-SS made a last effort to save the world from destruction. At the end of April 1945, while in the city of Linz, Alois Seifriedsberger accomplished the Feat. Having learned about the approach of the enemy, he assembled a battle group from Waffen-SS ranks in the vicinity of the city to confront him. They responded to his call: · Part of the Warriors SS-Feld.Ers.Bt...