

It is not a myth or a legend, which is usually put into a specific framework, surrounded by a series of terms and definitions. Freedom cannot be described in words; it is built solely on sensations. When on your own, intuitive level you feel that nothing is holding you back, nothing is burdening you. When there is no pressure, no distraction, no barriers and restrictions. When you realize your own lightness, something that cannot be described, but that can be felt. This state has no comparison and there are not even words with which to express it.

Freedom is popular, although it is not beneficial to others. A free person cannot be controlled or manipulated. He belongs to no one, only to himself. He doesn't listen to anyone, only himself. He is with himself and seems to be close. It exists and it seems like it doesn’t exist. True freedom can be achieved. But only when all the fetters that hold back, fetter and burden fall. When lightness becomes not a temporary feeling, not an experienced moment, but a constant, stable reality.








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