Purity and Perfection - 02 and Hiro - Darling in the Franxx

 Purity and Perfection

02 and Hiro

Darling in the Franxx

How these characters struck and pleased me. Purity, Perfection, Devotion. In an era when these qualities have long died, it is very rare to encounter them, even in non-living form. For they show that in this dead world there is still at least a drop of life. Even if this life is not manifested in reality.

I will focus on the personality of 02, who is often called a “monster” throughout the anime. However, this “monster” has much truer and more humane qualities than all living people today, than the entire human society. These qualities are manifested in her attitude towards Hiro. She is open, she is sincere, she is loyal. She is devoted to Hiro from the very first meeting, despite the removal of memory, despite all the pain and suffering that she endured. If I had the word “love” among all the terms, I would say with confidence that 02 comprehended it perfectly. And this perfection does not carry any definitions, it is felt, it is felt in her every action. It is not given definitions as such, this is its purity as a manifestation. Ideal interaction, ideal alliance, concluded without hidden subtexts and dogmas. A union filled with Purity and Devotion. And this is mutual, because Hiro, although initially different from 02, also has all these qualities in himself. And she doesn’t reveal them, doesn’t give them to anyone, waiting for her, even if she doesn’t know it or understand it. 

The most unusual thing is that even in anime, these qualities are possessed by characters who were originally intended to be non-human. The same 02 is another form of life, not human, but much more humane than any known person. Despite her natural cruelty, a kind of aggression towards everything, animal rage, she found a place in herself for Purity, for Sincerity and Devotion. This is what makes 02 special. She balances on the edge of the human and the inhuman, bringing both of these sides to perfection.

No matter how many people I have met in my practice, I have never seen anything like this. No one has or has had such qualities. Although, these qualities are simple, so simple that it couldn’t be simpler. But, apparently, no one can create them in themselves and make them key aspects of their life. And it is a tragedy to be in a world that has long been dead and dream of a world filled with life. The world and humanity are afraid of such Purity, such Sincerity and such Perfection. For them it is like death, even though they are already dead.








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