Why does modern “society” hate honor and dignity so much?

 Why does modern “society” hate honor and dignity so much?

He hates it so much that he is trying with all his might to destroy even the very mention of these terms. He tries to make everyone believe that this is the source of all troubles, that it is unnecessary, that it destroys the personality. And in exchange for honor and dignity, he forcibly imposes dishonor, lust, cruelty and all the basest things that have ever been invented by people. The reason for this attitude is simple. Honor and dignity are qualities of the aristocracy, the elite, this is what defines the very concept of Personality. If everyone possesses these qualities, then everyone will be able to get along quite well on their own. With these qualities, everyone will be able to negotiate openly, interact honestly, respect and value each other. In this case, the need for an intermediary in the form of “society” will disappear; it will become redundant. Why do we need a mediator to regulate relationships between people if people themselves learn to build these relationships harmonious and honest? That's right, there's no need. And “society” will be eliminated as an idea, as unnecessary. This is precisely what motivates all world systems, the very idea of “society”, to do their best to eliminate all those worthy, highest and best qualities that a person has ever possessed. In this way, it tries to preserve and monopolize itself, to force everyone to be even more dependent. How long and how it will live directly depends on this. This idea doesn’t care at all how people will live, whether they will be satisfied with such a life. People, learn honor and dignity, get out from under the occupation of this parasite, destroy the very idea of “society” before it completely destroys you. This is no longer your friend or your assistant. This is an enemy whose task is to destroy you and make you slaves, and he practically succeeded in achieving this task.









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