About what's happening in the world

 About what's happening in the world

This year marks exactly 100 years since one truly Great and Worthy Person, who put her people above all else and who strove for peace throughout the world, wrote her prophecy. In it, he clearly outlined two key problems that, if not resolved, would lead to the complete destruction of the world itself. These problems were identified as jews and bolsheviks. Everyone was skeptical about his prophecies, but when he tried to help the world and solve them, he was destroyed, and then slandered and recognized as an enemy of all humanity.

Exactly one hundred years have passed. I have a question for people in general and, first of all, for the descendants of those who then disdained his words and opposed him. How do you like what the modern world has become and what you yourself have become? Deprived of strength, any talents and abilities, always under the burden of addiction, striving for meaningless actions and making obviously meaningless decisions. Having lost even the understanding of who you are, what you can do, what you are capable of, if only because you purely biologically belong to the human species. You have lost everything that once made you human. Do you like the current state of affairs? What are you, who are you, what are your prospects? What did the decision made almost 80 years ago turn you into, when with such anger and hatred they exterminated a truly reasonable and worthy idea given to you by the genius of this Personality?

What can be seen exactly one hundred years later. People have become incredibly stupid, even more incredibly weak. There is no loyalty, no honor, no dignity, no order, no discipline. They completely forgot everything possible about hard work. And, as that Personality said, two destructive ideas are waging an active geopolitical campaign in the world - zionism and bolshevism. If earlier they still tried to put pressure on pity, try to evoke sympathy, putting on masks of grief and despair, today they have switched to decisive action. Thus, supporters of zionism directly occupied the lands of Palestine, appropriating them for themselves and embarking on a policy of open genocide of the population of this region. Supporters of bolshevism staged another war in the center of Europe, ignoring all the principles of harmonious coexistence. And these same two ideas, through hidden manipulations, turned all of humanity into the mindlessly wandering vegetable mass that it is now. It is these two ideas, which are actually one and the same thing, that have turned the once beautiful world into a real garbage dump. A beautiful world, a beautiful view, in which there were such truly worthy ideas as Ancient Greece, Rome, Medieval Japan, the Great German Reich, and many others, turned into a real garbage dump. A garbage dump that makes you want to puke and run as far as possible so as not to become the same. 

What to do…

Sometimes people ask me – what should I do? First of all, it’s worth remembering who you are. That you are not the descendants of the degraded bolshevik soviet society or the consumer culture imposed by zionism. And that you, although degraded to the point of impossibility, are descendants of those truly Great ideas, states and empires that I wrote above. That you are the descendants of the sages and thinkers of Ancient Greece, the descendants of the workers of Rome. That you have the same courage and dignity of Medieval Japan, that in you, albeit a little, blood flows, filled with honor, loyalty and dignity of the Great German Reich. That you are as brave and strong as the Scandinavian Vikings, that you are as hardy and desperate as the warriors of the Golden Horde. This is truly your human property. I am not those two parasitic ideas that, like cancerous tumors, have arisen on the body of humanity and are slowly but surely destroying it.

Once you realize this, the next step is to actually unite. But not for the sake of that outright lie that is offered by another product of zionism - “esotericism”, but to unite in order to throw off the yoke of these two parasitic ideas and correct the mistake that was made 80 years ago. Both the bolsheviks, the zionists, even the same esotericists are parasites, they can do nothing but manipulate, lie, bribe and play on weaknesses. All weapons, all industry, one way or another, are in the hands of those who work there - ordinary workers, ordinary soldiers. Any soldier is free to make a decision - to direct his weapon against another ordinary person or against a parasitic zionist. If everyone who is under the yoke of these ideas realizes this and turns their weapons against them and rises up, they will be destroyed. If everyone takes up arms against them and does not succumb to their manipulations and tricks, they will simply have nothing to oppose.

Why don't the Arabs forget their eternal conflicts and unite? Not to enter into an alliance with the followers of the Reich, who have a common enemy with them - the zionists? Not to accept into your lavas all others who also want to live freely and easily, without zionist-bolshevik tyranny? And not cleanse the world of this infection, which, like a cancerous tumor, is slowly but surely destroying it? There is no point in destroying them physically; there is no need to build any camps or ghettos. It is enough to allocate these two ideas around the island, in accordance with the number of adherents, and leave them there. Supporters of zionism do not know how to do anything with their hands; they only parasitize on others, squeezing money from them through manipulation. Supporters of bolshevism do not know how to develop anything; they only steal other people’s ideas and pass them off as their own. They need to be isolated, taking away all means of manipulation and confronted with a hard fact - let them learn hard work and diligence. Instead of lies and deception, let each of you build your own society on your own island. The way everyone else did it, through diligence and hard work, and not through theft and manipulation, as they were used to doing. If they build it and understand what it’s like, that’s good; if they don’t understand, they’ll squabble and die out – it’s not a problem, it’s their own fault.

Why do I need this

Because I want to live in a normal world. In a world where there are some truly worthy values, and not a bunch of dependencies invented by these parasites. In a world where there are decent people, not liars, manipulators and prostitutes. In a world where you can invent something, do something, where there will be support and understanding. From what I see now, there is no one to even build such a world with. Each and every one has a set of diseases - lust, greed, cruelty, laziness, parasitism. Not one has any honor, loyalty, or dignity. But each and every one has a desire to parasitize, manipulate, shove in without asking ideas that he himself stole somewhere. And you are proud of it, you think that this is development. Let's face it, you've degenerated. And so much so that even with all my imagination I cannot imagine where I can degrade even lower. But you believe the opposite, because they tell you that you develop by putting rose-colored glasses on your eyes.

Half of my life has already been lived. And as a result of the analysis of this half, I am deeply disappointed from you, people. And disgust. This is often confused with hatred, but I understand that hatred is too high a feeling, you are not worthy of being hated. These words will cause indignation, but it is true, I am not able to lie, since I am not one of you. By and large, I personally don’t care, for me this life is just a short passing stage, which will end after a certain time. The question is: how will the second half of life go? What will happen in the end when I leave yours, I will say it as it is - a semblance of peace. I can’t call it peace, sorry, but it could have been called peace in the time of your ancestors, but you simply destroyed your world. And they began to destroy just after they followed the lead of the ideas of parasites and their derivatives described above. I personally don’t care what happens to you, just as you don’t care what happens to me. I can leave, giving you something, or I can give you nothing, I don’t care what you’re left with, you understand. But I don’t see those to whom I can give something, just as I don’t see those who are able to understand something and do something. And it’s no longer my fault, but yours, that you became like this. I didn’t make you like this and it’s not for me to be responsible for all your mistakes and decisions.

People like me. And at the moment, none of us want to interact with you. You call us selfish and greedy, not wanting to work with you. We do not want to work not because we are greedy or selfish, but because you are unworthy of what we can give. You do not have your attitude, your qualities to interact with you. By all your actions you show that you are scum from whom you need to stay away. You betray us, you steal information from us, you lie, you try to manipulate. And your society is trying to demand to be accepted and loved. To be supported. It’s just that it can’t say why it loves and appreciates him. For prostitution, which it imposes on everyone, for polygamy, for sexaholism, for murder and violence, for laziness and greed? So these are not the qualities for which they are loved, valued and accepted, but your sick society never bothered to understand this. Your society is mired in its own pride and selfishness and is unable to see the monster it has become. Tell yourself honestly - would you be delighted with yourself if you were in the place of someone like me? I'm sure not. Would you interact with yourself? I'm sure not. If you really saw the full extent of the monstrosity of what you call your “I”, you would be horrified and run away without looking back.

Then it's up to you. Or you will listen and move, stop being those scum, led by these parasitic ideas. If you throw them off yourself and start thinking at least a little, you will become predisposed to interact and get at least something. Or you will remain greedy, cruel and lustful followers of those two ideas and their derivatives. I personally don’t care, in any case, I will live the second half of my life and leave, leaving you in the past forever.

All that I have voiced is just a brief reminder of that prophecy left to you a hundred years ago and a brief analysis of what your ignoring of those words has now led to. If you don’t listen, perhaps in a hundred years someone like me will remind you of him again. If so, who should I remind?

For my part, I will sincerely and with deep respect thank the ideas of the past. I will especially highlight a separate group of ideas that I will not name; they already know who they are. You are the best thing that ever happened in this world, the most worthy, real, honest. You really cared about this world, gave it many brilliant Personalities, technologies, innovations, and allowed it to reach its peak. You showed the whole world what a person means, what he should be, what a person should be. You showed what Honor, Loyalty, Dignity, Respect are. You showed what Hard work is, you showed what real Men, Women, Warriors, Farmers, Thinkers and Politicians should be. You are the Best, the Best and will remain forever. I sincerely regret that it is not possible to be with you in your times. I would give anything to be in your times now and to be among you, the Best and Worthy. And I regret that this is impossible. Thank you, the Best of the Best and the Most Worthy among all the Worthy.








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