Honor branded with lies

 Honor branded with lies

History is written by the victors, holding their defeated enemies responsible for the crimes of others.

In 1941, the city of Dnepropetrovsk was liberated from Bolshevik terror by units of the German army. The SS-Panzergrenadier-Division “Wiking” played a decisive role in the liberation of the city. She managed to drive the bolsheviks out of the city, without losses among the local population and without destruction of infrastructure. How the division commander of the SS-Gruppenführer Felix Steiner managed to do this, I will write in a separate article. The history of this Waffen-SS unit is intertwined with my own life, thanks in large part to the fact that the «Wiking» were around in 1941 and in 1943 that I am alive today.

When units of the division entered the liberated city, the Waffen-SS ranks faced a number of problems. One of them was the sick and hungry local population. Naturally, given that the bolshevik beasts kept the city’s population in isolation, depriving them of food, forcing them to work hard for themselves, subjecting them to torture and violence. Frightened and morally broken by the atrocities of the red terror, the city's residents greeted the German army as heroic liberators who brought them deliverance from genocide and restored their faith in human dignity and justice. The building of school No. 51 in the city where the author of the article studied, as well as mother and grandmother, was converted by the German command into a military hospital and medical center. All doctors from the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS auxiliary units were recruited to provide medical care to the local population.

From my grandmother's stories, among the doctors there was one doctor from the SS, whom the other German soldiers called Joseph. Day and night, to the point of exhaustion and fatigue, he received sick and weakened residents of the city, treated and cared for them. He gave out medications, demanded that they follow the regime, provide decent food and routine. He personally participated in the distribution of food to residents weakened by hunger, as he understood that the city residents, brought to the brink of death by the Bolsheviks, had nothing to eat. He was especially loved and appreciated by children, whom he strictly ordered to take care of and protect, as he considered all children to be the highest value of the world. One story was connected with him and the children. He had a peculiar tradition - to give sweets to every sick child who visited him - lollipops or the famous German chocolate. Children, realizing this, sometimes turned to him several times, even resorting to simulation. At first he didn’t understand why healthy children turned to him for help, then, when he realized that because of the sweet tradition, he simply suggested that while he was in the hospital, every child could come and get a lollipop or a piece of chocolate just like that, without feigning illness . The care and attention that the young doctor Joseph gave to the residents of the city from the Waffen-SS soldiers who entered the city was remembered for a long time by the residents of the city, even decades later, in old age. Thanks to his treatment and the nutrition he provided, my grandmother, the author of the article, did not die from exhaustion and stomach problems.

Who was this doctor? While studying military history, I was able to establish his full name and rank. It was SS-Obersturmführer Josef Mengele, who in 1941 was in Dnepropetrovsk as a doctor of the SS-Panzergrenadier-Division “Wiking” engineer battalion. Indeed, by order of SS-Gruppenführer Felix Steiner, Josef Mengele was briefly assigned to a hospital in Dnepropetrovsk to provide medical assistance to the local population. For which, I personally am grateful to Steiner, in addition to the fact that he was an excellent commander, the best commander in the Waffen-SS units, he was also a man of honor and dignity. Colleagues also remembered Mengele; they were amazed at how he valued and cared for people’s lives. Having health problems, he tried to prevent this from happening to others, so he chose a career as a doctor. His inviolable principle and main dignity was the observance of the Hippocratic Oath, which he took and which he did not change until the end of his life. He was ready to risk his own life just to prevent others from dying. So, in 1941, he personally saved two soldiers from a burning tank, for which he received the title of SS-Hauptsturmführer and an honorary award among the troops - Eisernes Kreuz 1 class. For an ordinary doctor from auxiliary units, this was an achievement; not every tank soldier or grenadier from front-line units was able to receive this award. But Dr. Josef Mengele was awarded it, risking his own life to save the lives and health of his colleagues.

Why did he become an "enemy of humanity"? And who called him that? The jews called him that, making everyone believe that the supposed “beast and Nazi” Josef Mengele conducted experiments on them in a concentration camp. However, they did not provide any evidence. No medical reports, no medical records of Mengele himself, no data on his experiments. If the experiments were carried out, they would contain hundreds of kilograms - tons of data that the same Mengele had to send to different departments and archives. Data that was lost, that was stored in numerous backups, and so on. And if, as the “victims” attribute, he subjected “tens of thousands of prisoners” to experiments (their words), then we are talking about tons of documents that, even if the camp is localized, it is simply impossible to physically destroy. After all, most of them were stored and duplicated in dozens of departments and hundreds of archives.

There is not a single document, not a single report, not a single record. There are no records anywhere. There are only “the words of miraculously surviving victims.” The words of those who, after the war, purposefully sought to recognize Germany as an enemy of humanity. Those who, under the guise of victims, squeezed reparations out of Germany, demanded money and compensation. Who, on this basis, instilling guilt in the world, treacherously stole part of the land from Palestine to create his own state. Who occupied and is now destroying the rest of Palestine, sparing neither children nor the elderly. Who destroyed all the best and most valuable things in the world. Who imposed their values on humanity, turning people into biomass, devoid of reason, loyalty, honor and dignity. Who purposefully organizes genocide of an entire species, covering it up with moral dogmas and calling it “the development of civilization.”

The Bolsheviks, direct proteges of zionism, also called him an enemy. The descendants of the bolsheviks still hate the Germans because when they came to liberate the long-suffering people in 1941, with their honor, dignity and care, they aroused greater sympathy than the bloody dictators Lenin and Stalin. The bolsheviks never forgave the Germans for the fact that they were much more worthy as rulers of the slavic people than themselves. And who still artificially cultivate hatred and disgust for the German army, manipulating history and inventing unproven false accusations. And they will not forgive or recognize, because the descendants of the bolsheviks are so mired in their own, real Nazism that they cannot even admit that they themselves brought their people to death, organizing numerous famines, repressions, and Gulags. It infuriates them all the more that Germany valued the inhabitants of the USSR higher than the leadership of the USSR itself cared about them, tried to restore to them their human appearance, the dignity and honor lost as a result of the bolshevik terror. And most importantly, they will not forgive the fact that, despite all the false propaganda, the inhabitants of the USSR loved Germany more than the concentration camp created by the bolsheviks.

An interesting fact is that Mengele himself never supported the NSDAP and was not a National Socialist. Although he had party and SS membership, his only muse in life was medicine. He didn’t even wear the famous SS tattoo, which identified all members of the organization, because he considered it unnecessary. He went into medicine to save lives, he went into military medicine to save lives. And he saved, as evidenced by his real biography, and not the invented lies of zionist and bolshevik historians. Even in this trifle, the loud zionist “historians” made a mistake.

Personally, I believe in that worthy doctor Joseph, who, for days without sleep or rest, treated and cared for the local population. The doctor who saved my family from death, thanks to which I am alive now. A doctor who followed the Hippocratic Oath and sacrificed his life to save the lives of others.

And let them and the bolshevik henchmen, deceived by their manipulations, believe in that “doctor” whom the zionist terrorists and murderers, the occupiers who are destroying the very foundations of humanity as a species, invented for their own benefit.

History has one interesting property. Having succumbed to manipulation and lies, she initially, having taken the wrong path, still after a while returns to the vector of truth. And those who were undeservedly accused of crimes will be acquitted and called heroes, and those who slandered them will be forever branded and disgraced.

As a mark of respect to Dr. Josef Mengele, thanks to whom I am alive today, and to all the ranks of the Waffen-SS who heroically fought for loyalty, honor and dignity throughout the world - Meine Ehre heißt Treue!









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