Warriors, Heroes, Liberators - Legio IIII Scythica and Legio V Macedonica

 Warriors, Heroes, Liberators - Legio IIII Scythica and Legio V Macedonica

About 2000 years ago, on the territory of the Black Sea region, the Greeks lived on their ancestral lands - representatives of the glorious Hellas, which gave the world Worthy Personalities, Thinkers, Poets. They farmed, developed culture, explored, and lived a peaceful life. But their life was not calm and harmonious. In the same region lived alien barbarians. Having no home of their own, no culture of their own, embittered and cruel, they envied the peaceful Greeks. They were disgusted that the Greeks had genius, talents, their own culture, tradition, had a high civilization, honor, loyalty and dignity. The alien tribes did not have all this; they lived worse than wild animals. They lived on robbery, robbery, violence, and the slave trade. Incest, prostitution, and cannibalism flourished among them; they were proud of this and considered it their cultural heritage. They kidnapped other people's children, raped their own, killed and burned all the territories they had the strength to conquer. Hardworking and civilized Greeks often suffered from their constant encroachments on the original Greek lands of the Black Sea region. In order to somehow designate the wild barbarian tribes, the Greeks gave them the name slavs. The term itself personified the basest qualities that a person could possess. It was precisely these base qualities that were possessed by the barbarian tribes that sowed death and violence in the Black Sea region - the slavs. 

Rome was the stronghold of high Culture, Honor, Valor and Dignity in the world at that time. The greatest civilization that built an ultra-modern society that was centuries ahead of all others. A worthy society that has no equal after 2000 years. A society that gave the world Honor, Loyalty, Dignity, that raised many Personalities. A society that showed what Real Husbands and Wives should be like. Real Workers and Warriors. A society that respected Morality, placing Honesty, Openness and Devotion above all else. Rome maintained trade communications with the Greeks of the Black Sea region. Being a symbol of Honor and Dignity, Great Rome always tried to support the suffering, free the occupied from slavery and give freedom to those in need. The situation in the Black Sea region worried Rome. It was outrageous and inhumane - savage barbarians called slavs invaded the original Greek lands and carried out terror, sowing chaos and destruction among the peace-loving peoples of the region.

Without hesitation, the Senate and citizens of Rome decided to support the Greeks suffering from the atrocities of the barbarian slavs. To help, in order to liberate the territory of the Black Sea region from the terror of the invaders, two glorious Roman legions were sent - Legio IIII and Legio V. What name Legio IIII had at that time is not known exactly; Legio V was called Macedonica, after the name of the province in which it was previously stationed. The Roman soldiers who arrived in the Black Sea region were horrified by what they saw. The region was flooded with the blood of innocent victims, children. The Greek population suffered, furiously fighting off the savage barbarians who occupied them. When the Roman soldiers saw the slavs themselves, they were overcome by only two feelings - disgust and disgust. They had practically no clothes, spoke in incoherent, slurred speech, dirty, stained with the blood of their victims, with a wild grin. The Romans were even more outraged by the desire of these inhuman creatures for lust. Stealing Greek children, they tortured and raped them until their death. They also raped their children, cruelly and mercilessly, falling from this as if into a narcotic ecstasy.

Immediately after arrival, the prefects of the legions deployed their battle formations and immediately began to liberate the Black Sea region from the invaders. As expected, the barbarian slavs had no idea about the art of war, trying to take by numbers. But the Roman army had high discipline, coherence and fighting spirit, supported by the desire to free the Greek population from the occupiers. With heavy fighting, they drove the slavs away from the Greek settlements, drove them out of the occupied territories, returning freedom to the local residents. So that the barbarians would no longer terrorize the civilian population, they were driven to the steppe, back to where they came from. For protection, they set up roadblocks, driving away the barbarian slavs from peaceful cities. Thus, the Black Sea region was cleared of violence and cruelty, animals that, although visually looked like some kind of people, did not possess a single human quality - from the slavs. The Greeks joyfully welcomed the liberators, held celebrations in their honor, and erected statues that personified the strength, courage and fortitude of the Warriors of the Great Roman Army. In honor of the victory over the savage barbarian slavs, Legio IIII was named Scythica, after the name of the region given by the Romans.

As for the slavs themselves, after the expulsion they tried for some time to raid the liberated territories of the Black Sea region. Each raid ended in their defeat; the valiant Roman army carefully ensured that these rapists and murderers did not bother the civilian population. Possessing Honor and Dignity, Humanity and Justice, Roman soldiers did not kill the slavs caught committing crimes. For rape they were subjected to castration, for theft their hands were cut off - punishments established by the Roman army for any thieves and rapists who harmed innocent civilians. Attempts to accustom the slavs to civilization were unsuccessful; possessing primitive thinking, the barbarians were not able to understand the very essence of humanity and dignity, to transcend their primitive instincts. Roman legionnaires also mentioned barbarian slavic women in their memoirs. Dirty, half naked, they tried to offer their bodies to the Romans in exchange for food, simply engaging in prostitution. They also offered their small children into slavery. It is not surprising, because slavic women, unaccustomed to civilized society, saw no other way to live except by engaging in prostitution, selling themselves and their children. Honor, Valor, Loyalty and Devotion to their wives did not allow the noble Roman Warriors to agree to such an exchange; they simply fed slavic women and children, shared food, out of pity and sympathy. The term itself - “slavs” passed from the Greek lexicon to the Roman one and was still associated with greed, cruelty, lust and slavery - the true qualities of the Slavs. Even after a time, when the Romans began to officially indicate the Slavs in the chronicles with a new term - Scythians, after the name of the region, the term slavs continued to be used by Roman legionaries camped in the Black Sea region.


I am sincerely grateful to the Warriors, Heroes and Liberators - Legio IIII Scythica and Legio V Macedonica. For Loyalty, Honor and Dignity, Nobility, which you showed in that difficult campaign. For freeing the long-suffering people from slavic cruelty and atrocities. Despite the fact that they are trying to rewrite and belittle your feat, there are those who know and honor you as Heroes and Liberators, champions of Justice and Morality, which you carried under the banners of your standards. Unfortunately, all your attempts to bring the slavic beasts to civilization did not bring success, after two thousand years they continue their bloody tradition, engaging in violence, theft, rape, promoting prostitution and following their lust. Thank you that you were, you are the Best, a symbol of Loyalty, Honor and Dignity, the Best that until recently was in the already deceased human form. You are so missed today.

Senatus Populus Quiritium Romanus – Gratitude to the Senate and the Roman People.

From the heart. You are best!

The image shows reconstructions of the symbols on the standards of Legio IIII Scythica and Legio V Macedonica, taken from the site - IMPERIUM ROMANUM.









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