Two candies

 Two candies


I have developed one tradition - to give people from the slavic region who came to me two candies. This article may be useful to some extent to those who live in the world. And who developed the image of an honest and faithful slavic woman, who, to quote themselves, “unlike representatives of the rotten Western civilization, is the standard of fidelity, honor and dignity.” Some time ago I had one carelessness - to work with representatives of the slavic culture. I am forced to live on the territory that they called theirs; in fact, I didn’t really have a choice. As a result, I offered them a project, for the implementation of which I needed their help. Let me make a reservation right away: help with your hands, not with money; the slavs do not know how to pay money. They have developed a principle at the genetic level: “everything is owed to us and is owed for free.” But they promised to support the project with their hands, to make every effort to make the project work.

All of them came unfaithful, lazy, lustful and greedy. I have long associated infidelity, laziness, lust and greed with the slavs; I emphasize these qualities as their true and real qualities, deposited in them at the genetic level. The pinnacle was one young girl who, as the slavic society itself noted, was the most worthy among them. With the highest potential for personal development, which, according to slavic society, is an ideal assistant. The girl herself swore allegiance in a way that even the Leibstandarte did not swear when taking the oath (namely, I consider him the very symbol that personifies loyalty).

How did it all end? This person, as an assistant, ruined the project. She had no loyalty, constant betrayals. I remember the end of working with her. Then she ran over to my enemy and began to work against me, just for one piece of candy that she was treated to there. Just imagine - one candy and a person who was considered the most worthy in slavic society betrayed, harmed and destroyed the entire project. All those “traditions, culture and education” praised by the slavs turned out to be worthy of just one candy. All that pride, all the honor, all the loyalty that slavic society is trying so hard to convince everyone of fits into one piece of candy.

Therefore, I give two candies to those who come to me surrounded by the world of the slavs and have that same slavic upbringing. Because since I was betrayed for the sake of one piece of candy, I must give the traitors at least one more than how much they committed the betrayal. With this, I consider my obligations to them fulfilled, just as I consider them fulfilled to the entire slavic society as a whole. My price to all the slavs and their society is two candies, twice as much as what they betrayed me for.

Inhabitants of the world. A huge request, do not be fooled by the promises of slavic women to be your faithful partners, support you and help you. They are not capable of this, they cannot distinguish their own from someone else’s, and as a result, they cannot remain faithful, they have no honor and dignity. I know many wonderful people, in Japan, filled with tradition and culture, in Germany, which I respect for its practicality and high moral and strong-willed qualities, in the USA, a country with incredible business acumen, and many others. There are also those among them who dream of a slavic wife. I ask you, do not get involved with slavic women, take care of your health, life and money. In your countries there are wonderful women who, although not ideal, are faithful, attentive and worthy. People of Western civilization, the Asian region, take care of your women, they are your treasure, a national treasure.

I’ll tell you a little joke at the end, which has a very large share of truth. Men of Japan and Germany, if you are still convinced that Japanese and German women are bad and slavic women are better, I suggest barter. You give me women from your territory, I give you women from the one around. I’ll just warn you right away - it’s not subject to exchange or return, and I won’t take anyone back. I really need worthy and faithful ones, regardless of what region they come from (except the slavs).









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