State of Garðar

State of Garðar

With this publication I pay tribute to the Vikings - the Great and Brave Warriors, Sailors and Pioneers. Faithful and Devoted Husbands, Worthy Fathers. Unfortunately, I cannot go back in time and fight alongside them, no matter how much I would like to. But, I can tell you about their Courage, Honor and Heroism.

 In 812, after the death of King Hemming, civil war began in Denmark. Five heirs lay claim to the title of next king, among whom was Anulo, one of Hemming's sons. The brave warrior, who personally led the Vikings, fell on the battlefield without becoming king. He left behind a son, Hrørek, grandson of Hemming. Modern historians call Hrørek – Rurik. Having become a man, Hrœrekr, being a konungr - a feudal lord, accomplished many feats, becoming famous throughout Denmark as a brave and courageous warrior, becoming the king of Friesland.

 After losing the title of King of Friesland, Hrørek's ambitions pushed him to conquer new lands. Gathering an army of Vikings, he went to the East. Arriving at a place inhabited by wild tribes, whom the ancient Greeks and Romans called “slavs”, he founded the island city of Holmgarðr. Two centuries later, Holmgarðr would be renamed Novgorod, today known as Veliky Novgorod. Having rebuilt and fortified Holmgarðr, Hrørek made it the capital of a new state - Garðar, becoming its king. In the 11th century, the state of Garðar would be renamed, called Ancient Rus, and in the 19th century, historians would come up with a modern term for it - “Kievan Rus”.

 Part of the Viking army settled in Holmgarðr, part, led by Hrørek, went to the South-West in order to expand the new state. Conquering new lands, defeating tribes of wild barbarians “slavs”, the Viking army of Hrørek stopped and founded a new city - Kænugarðr. In the 11th century, Kænugarðr would be renamed Kyiv, today known as Kyiv. Under Hrørek's rule, Kænugarðr expands and becomes the capital of the Garðar state. The Garðar state lasted for about two centuries. Part of the traditions of Garðar, after its decline in the 11th century, formed the basis of a new state created on those lands, called Russia in Latin.

Impact on history

At the time Hrørek came to these lands, the local tribes of the “slavs” had no culture, traditions, language, and did not know what statehood or civilization was. Over time, thanks to the influence of the Viking culture, while staying in the territory of Garðar, the “slavs” adopted, although not in its pure form, but in a modified form, the culture, speech and traditions of the Vikings. Being the basis of the Garðar state, the Vikings taught the “slavs” the basics of writing, weaving, agriculture, and the art of war. The Vikings introduced the concept of the mysteries of Nature into the worldview of the “slavs”. The Vikings passed on the culture of their Religion to the “slavs”, introduced the term “Deities” into their world, and taught them faith. What the Vikings could not do was to calm the “slavs”’ craving for prostitution, betrayal and theft, which formed among the savages from the very foundation of their tribes. The Cult of the Family was highly valued and revered, considered the basis of Viking society; the terms “treason” and “prostitution” were absent in their civilized society. However, the desire for betrayal, betrayal and prostitution inherent at the genetic level among the “slavs” remained with them; two centuries of formation under the control of the Civilized Viking society were not enough to remove these vices from the savages. The Vikings were unable to convey to the “slavs” their Courage, the real Warrior spirit. Having lived for two centuries together with Brave and Brave sailors, the “slavs” remained cowardly thieves, acting meanly and on the sly, deprived of Military Honor and Dignity.

 Today, alas, the Vikings are long gone. Neither does their culture. I can only thank the Viking culture for being in this vicious world. What showed what Loyalty, Devotion is, what real, strong Family Values are. Thank you for your Fortitude, Bravery, unsurpassed Military Qualities and Worthy Spiritual Traditions.

 The image shows Hrørek with the Viking army, the founder of the state of Garðar, the cities of Holmgarðr and Kænugarðr, a Brave Warrior, a Faithful and Devoted Husband and a Worthy King.


I would love to be transported back to their era. He learned from them the art of war and seamanship, and took part in a military campaign with them. I would find a worthy and faithful partner among their Women to create a Family. I don’t know what to do in the “modern world” - there is only prostitution, infidelity, betrayal all around.










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