

Why equality is important. What is the point in dividing people by “gender”? At the same time, emphasizing “I am the weaker sex, and I am the stronger sex.” Let's start with the fact that the very awareness of oneself as weak is an insult. By dividing humanity along gender lines, a situation is created where one half insults the other, saying “you are the weaker sex, and I am the strong one, I will do everything for you.” It humiliates, it deprives you of motivation to act, it creates complexes and limits your development. And calling oneself the “stronger sex” in modern conditions sounds, to put it mildly, ridiculous. The so-called modern “stronger sex” in terms of strength and abilities is far from being the truly Stronger Sex that existed before. I doubt that the modern “stronger sex” will be able to repeat the feat of their descendants from the Roman Empire, to overcome and conquer half the world in difficult conditions. Or has the courage and courage that the same Vikings had. Or is the same symbol of Loyalty, Honor and Dignity as the Waffen-SS were, dying for their idea.

Therefore, it is important to remove this division and achieve equality. So that some do not console themselves with the illusion of their supposed strength, and others do not feel weak. In my Sin culture there is no division, no gender. I look at people from a completely different angle and according to different criteria. I support equality of rights and equality of responsibilities. Everyone deserves respect and equal and holistic development. But if there is hard work to be done, everyone will work. Yes, I understand that everyone's physical capabilities are different. But each has two arms, two legs, one torso and one head. Let one be able to lift 10 kilograms, and another 5 kilograms, to the best of his ability, but no one will be idle. In Sin there is Nait - species, but there is no gender, there is equality, but there is no parasitism. Even though the environment in which I find myself is against equality, this is only the opinion of that environment, which is not even mine.










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