How do I see “life” in this world?

 How do I see “life” in this world? 

While preparing an article about the Vikings, I trought about the meaning of life. And I didn't find it. If I had been born in the same Viking era and among the Vikings, I would have lived a decent life. From childhood, from the age of five, I would have studied military and naval affairs. Seriously and thoroughly, as all the Vikings did. And I wouldn’t rush around in all directions for years looking for at least someone who would deign to come to training, as I do now. Today people have degenerated so much that they are afraid of training, afraid to get off the couch and go somewhere.

In Viking society, at the age of 12, I would have become a man and gone on a military campaign. I would take part in the war, being among Worthy and Brave Warriors. Today, hypothetically, there is a war, but there are no Warriors, instead of them there are only looters, rapists and murderers. In other words, what I would like to try is to fight in a war among the Warriors, because today there is no war, no Warriors.

In Viking society, I would create a worthy Family. And the woman who would be next to me would be strong and Faithful. There were no other women in Viking society. I would be confident in her, in her Loyalty, Honor and Dignity. And we would both remain faithful to each other, 100%, without betraying or cheating. In the modern “parody of the world” there is no Loyalty, no Honor, no Dignity. I am the only one left with these qualities. And that’s why I’m alone, because only prostitutes, sexaholics or those obsessed with polygamy come to play the role of “partner”. It is impossible to create a strong and worthy Family with modern “parodies of women”, since they have neither Loyalty, nor Honor, nor Dignity.

In Viking society, I would raise my children, passing on all my skills and abilities to them. And these would be my children, whom I raised. In the modern “parody of the world,” even hypothetically, if I had children, they would be taken away from me and they would be trained in their own way. And it would not be me, but someone else who would teach these children, and they would be taught prostitution, polygamy, infidelity, lies, and other things that the “modern world” is so famous for.

I really regret that I was born in this “parody of the world.” It would be better not to have been born. What is the point in such a life, where there is nothing that you like, that is interesting? What is the point in a “world” where there is nothing but prostitution, betrayal, lies and deception? I don't live, this is not life, this is hell. I would have lived in other conditions, at another time, but not here.










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