March 17, 1933

 March 17, 1933

On this day, 91 years ago, on a military parade ground in Berlin, a new, most worthy idea for humanity was born. The symbol of Loyalty, Honor and Dignity was born. 117 young guys, yesterday's farmers, builders and workers, took the oath, swore allegiance to an idea that they did not change until the last day of their lives. 117 real Heroes who have become the living embodiment of all the best that humanity has achieved during its existence.

Loyalty was not just a word to them, not just part of a phrase engraved on their military buckles and blades. They lived for the sake of Loyalty and themselves became its symbol. Without cheating, without betraying, in difficult trials, they carried Loyalty with honor throughout their lives. They showed all of humanity what it meant to be the Elite, living Deities fighting for a world doomed to slow extinction.

From a small group united by one idea, they became an army. Despite all the external pressure, they managed to learn on their own, rise above the whole world and show what real Loyalty, Honor, and Dignity are. They carried their high ideals everywhere: from the Island of Jersey in the west to the Caucasus Mountains in the east, from sultry Italy in the south and to cold Karelia in the north. They fought against dishonor, against cruelty, injustice. They carried knowledge of Loyalty, Honor, and high ideals once created by humanity to people mired in their own vices.

They were not accepted, humanity rejected the idea of Loyalty, Honor and Dignity, clinging to primitive vices, to its greed and cruelty. They were made enemies and branded for a long time. But history does not tolerate lies and the truth still breaks out and elevates Heroes. Today I would like to honor the memory of those 117 Heroes who, 91 years ago, made the most worthy decision in their lives and in the history of all mankind. And everyone who took up their baton, who shared with them the Honor of carrying the symbols of Loyalty, Devotion and Dignity on their uniforms and their standards. Your Heroic Deeds are not forgotten, you have become an example for everyone who strives for Light, Purity, Dignity. You gave us Loyalty, Devotion and Honor, and no matter how rotten and backward this world is, we continue to reverently carry these terms within ourselves.

Many thanks to all of you for being in this world. For everything that they tried to save humanity from the shackles of its primitive vices. I'm sorry we didn't protect you, our treasure.

The last Heroes of humanity, a symbol of Loyalty, Devotion, Honor and Dignity - Waffen-SS.

Meine Ehre heißt Treue










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