The value of a person

 The value of a person

Everywhere and from everyone I hear the phrase about “human value”, in the context that this is the most important and most important thing. But what is this value and why should it be considered important? And what is the actual value of a person, should it be considered a value at all? 

Many people have worked with me before. Different people, from the downtrodden to the elite. And everyone believed that he should be appreciated and protected. But I did not find in any of them anything that really deserves respect and value. For everyone mistakenly believed that his value lay in the fact that he existed at all. That is, “it exists, which means the very fact of its existence is the highest value.” This definition is also influenced by numerous false teachings, philosophies and religions, which only pump their followers with lies, without developing an ounce of value in them.

Why value a person? For Loyalty. So loyalty died a long time ago, people destroyed this quality in themselves, turning into corrupt traitors. How can you appreciate someone who is ready to betray at any moment? No way, they always got rid of traitors, but now the number of people devoted to a person is considered his main value. The more he betrayed, the more “experienced” a person is considered, the more valuable. This is absurd.


For hard work and responsibility. Let's be honest, these qualities, as well as loyalty, have long been destroyed by people themselves. For a long time, no one has been trying to do anything; everyone has to be kicked off the couch, forced to do something. As the “esotericists” say, are there any agreements? A word, even an oath taken by a person, has long meant nothing. He swears on one thing today, tomorrow he runs to the enemy and swears on something completely different, betraying him and what he swore allegiance to yesterday. And no mythical “agreement” stops him.

For honor and dignity? They were destroyed just as long ago. A person constantly lies, tries to steal something, manipulate, just to avoid working honestly and openly. And in order to steal, he will resort to any meanness, he will lie, he will swear that he does not even intend to fulfill it. Having received it, he will deceive, betray and leave without giving in return what was agreed upon.

And most importantly, to value for “society”? What is its function and does it fulfill it? For a long time now, society has not controlled its own students, does not teach them, and does not act as a regulator in any conflicts and disputes. All that “society” does is cripple people, make them traitors, thieves and prostitutes, and when they ruin someone’s life, it encourages them, considering this the highest human value.

What's left to do? Mourn for those people who once were. For those who remained Loyal, who possessed Honor, Dignity, and Hard work. And honestly recognize the value of “modern people”, it is indicated in the image for the article.










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