State of Garðar
State of Garðar With this publication I pay tribute to the Vikings - the Great and Brave Warriors, Sailors and Pioneers. Faithful and Devoted Husbands, Worthy Fathers. Unfortunately, I cannot go back in time and fight alongside them, no matter how much I would like to. But, I can tell you about their Courage, Honor and Heroism. In 812, after the death of King Hemming, civil war began in Denmark. Five heirs lay claim to the title of next king, among whom was Anulo, one of Hemming's sons. The brave warrior, who personally led the Vikings, fell on the battlefield without becoming king. He left behind a son, Hrørek, grandson of Hemming. Modern historians call Hrørek – Rurik. Having become a man, Hrœrekr, being a konungr - a feudal lord, accomplished many feats, becoming famous throughout Denmark as a brave and courageous warrior, becoming the king of Friesland. After losing the title of King of Friesland, Hrørek's ambitions pushed him to conquer new lands. Gathering an a...
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