
Showing posts from January, 2025

In Memory of the Last People

In Memory of the Last People January 30, 1933, a special day in the history of mankind. The last day when the last and most respectable and honorable idea came to power at the state level. Germany, the Deutsches Reich. The best People of all that have ever existed. People who highly valued morality, honor, loyalty and dignity. People who valued family traditions that bring culture and order. Yes, you did not win that war. But you made every effort to protect honor, loyalty and morality, the main symbols of humanity. And you will forever remain in the hearts of many generations. As a shining example of an ideal society, an ideal culture, an ideal family, an ideal Man. Honor and respect to you, the last People, the last Heroes of humanity. ….. Germany, wake up, finally, get your freedom back. Cleanse yourself of the judo-slavic rot that occupied you. Become a Great Country again, a worthy culture on which the world rested. Cultivate a tradition of loyalty, honor, dignity, the car...

Happiness index...

  Happiness index... Tell me, have you tried to compare the happiness index at different times? To understand what was really beneficial and what was harmful. Let's compare two historical periods. Period 1 (until the middle of the last century). Monogamy, fidelity, honor, decency, and respect for the institution of family reign in the world. Any perversions (prostitution, polygamy, homosexuality, and the like) are condemned and prohibited. People create strong, reliable families in which strong children are born. Many interesting ideas, rapid growth and development of humanity itself. And people are happy. You can ask your grandmothers and great-grandmothers if they were happy at that time, I guarantee they will answer - "yes!" Period 2 (from the middle of the last century until now). People, so to speak, accepted such an idea as "democracy", which promised everyone "freedom and happiness". What has changed? Fidelity is destroyed, honor is destro...

Quality (Erin)

  Quality (Erin) There is nothing more important and valuable than quality. It is quality, in everything and everywhere, that is the solid foundation for construction. Any construction, no matter if it is a house, a family or one's own personality. Today, quality is dead, quantity is imposed instead. And it is quantity that kills and destroys everything, makes the very existence of the world devoid of any meaning and purpose. What is the use of useless mass, what is the meaning of the existence of something that has not an ounce of value. What is the meaning of something that does not carry an ounce of quality? I.- 14 ./IV./1. Sin ..... Qualität (Erin) Es gibt nichts Wichtigeres und Wertvolleres als Qualität. Qualität in allem und überall ist die solide Grundlage des Bauens. Jedes Bauwerk, egal ob Haus, Familie oder die eigene Person. Heute ist die Qualität tot und wird durch Quantität ersetzt. Und es ist gerade die Quantität, die alles tötet und zerstört und die Ex...

Moving Forward (Laih)

  Moving Forward (Laih) Carefully choosing a vector, thinking through each direction. Studying the origins, causes and consequences. Understanding the end result. Understanding what the movement will lead to. The essence of the movement eliminates possible problems. The essence becomes obvious, both of the result and of the movement itself. It is important not to miss the principle, to understand and accept it. So that there is a basis. I.-5./IV./1. Sin ….. Vorwärts gehen (Laih) Wählen Sie den Vektor sorgfältig aus und denken Sie über jede Richtung nach. Untersuchung von Ursprüngen, Ursachen und Folgen. Das Endergebnis verstehen. Verstehen, wohin die Bewegung führen wird. Das Wesen der Bewegung schließt mögliche Probleme aus. Das Wesentliche sowohl des Ergebnisses als auch der Bewegung selbst wird deutlich. Wichtig ist, das Prinzip nicht zu verkennen, es zu verstehen und zu akzeptieren. Damit eine Grundlage gegeben ist. I.–5./IV./1. Sin ….. 前進する ( Laih ) ...

The Price of History (Saen)

  The Price of History (Saen) Many people criticize me for devoting time and attention to history. These many people believe that I “live in the past” and “deny the present.” I live with people, I admire people. But is it my fault that people became extinct as a species? Is it my fault that today there is no such thing as Homo Sapience? Is it my fault that instead of people there are now some creatures that look like people, but have nothing to do with people? History is important to those who value and cherish people. But for those who find people disgusting, for whom they are unnatural, history will always be superfluous. Because for any modern monster who calls himself “human,” the history of those real people will be a direct reminder of his own inferiority. No matter how hard a modern monster tries to be a man, he will never become a man. A monster will always remain a monster. I.-4./IV./1. Sin ….. Der Preis der Geschichte (Saen) Viele Leute kritisieren mich da...