In Memory of the Last People

In Memory of the Last People January 30, 1933, a special day in the history of mankind. The last day when the last and most respectable and honorable idea came to power at the state level. Germany, the Deutsches Reich. The best People of all that have ever existed. People who highly valued morality, honor, loyalty and dignity. People who valued family traditions that bring culture and order. Yes, you did not win that war. But you made every effort to protect honor, loyalty and morality, the main symbols of humanity. And you will forever remain in the hearts of many generations. As a shining example of an ideal society, an ideal culture, an ideal family, an ideal Man. Honor and respect to you, the last People, the last Heroes of humanity. ….. Germany, wake up, finally, get your freedom back. Cleanse yourself of the judo-slavic rot that occupied you. Become a Great Country again, a worthy culture on which the world rested. Cultivate a tradition of loyalty, honor, dignity, the car...