Warriors, Heroes, Liberators - Legio IIII Scythica and Legio V Macedonica About 2000 years ago, on the territory of the Black Sea region, the Greeks lived on their ancestral lands - representatives of the glorious Hellas, which gave the world Worthy Personalities, Thinkers, Poets. They farmed, developed culture, explored, and lived a peaceful life. But their life was not calm and harmonious. In the same region lived alien barbarians. Having no home of their own, no culture of their own, embittered and cruel, they envied the peaceful Greeks. They were disgusted that the Greeks had genius, talents, their own culture, tradition, had a high civilization, honor, loyalty and dignity. The alien tribes did not have all this; they lived worse than wild animals. They lived on robbery, robbery, violence, and the slave trade. Incest, prostitution, and cannibalism flourished among them; they were proud of this and considered it their cultural heritage. They kidnapped other people's childr...