
Showing posts from December, 2024

Development (Lain)

  Development (Lain) Movement, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Movement directed only to one cherished goal. Towards the desire to become better, more perfect. Grinding everything in its path, removing everything unnecessary and having no meaning. Only one vector, only one goal. Only forward, only to the cherished improvement. I.-4./III./1. Sin ….. Entwicklung (Lain) Bewegung, mal langsam, mal schnell. Eine Bewegung, die nur auf ein einziges, geschätztes Ziel ausgerichtet ist. Auf den Wunsch, besser, perfekter zu werden. Zermahlt alles, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt, entfernt alles Unnötige und Sinnlose. Nur ein Vektor, nur ein Ziel. Nur vorwärts, nur zur geschätzten Verbesserung. I.-4./III./1. S in ….. 発達 (Lain) 動きは、時にはゆっくり、時には速く。たったひとつの大切な目標に向けた運動。より良くなり、より完璧になりたいという欲求に。その経路にあるすべてのものを研磨し、不必要で意味のないものをすべて取り除きます。ベクトルは 1 つだけ、目標は 1 つだけです。ただ前進し、大切に改善するだけです。 I.-4./III./1. Sin ….. Progressus (Lain) Motus interdum tardus, interdum celeriter. Motu...

Pain (Subig)

  Pain (Subig) The most terrible pain from the impossibility of doing anything. And the greatest disappointment. When you live and understand that you can do nothing. When you feel as if you are in a cage. When you understand, you feel the limitation of freedom, the limitation of the ability to do what is significant. When you are in a cage without a cage. And when you see from this state another world in which everything is possible, in which everything is real. But you understand that in a cage without a cage, there is nothing. This is the most terrible pain. Possibilities without possibilities, a cage without a cage, life without life. I.-18./II./2. Sin ….. Schmerz (Subig) Der schlimmste Schmerz entsteht, wenn man nichts tun kann. Und die größte Enttäuschung. Wenn du lebst und erkennst, dass du nichts tun kannst. Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, in einem Käfig zu sein. Wenn man versteht, spürt man die Einschränkung der Freiheit, die Einschränkung der Fähigkeit, das Sin...

Perfection (Kosin)

  Perfection (Kosin) A beacon, a landmark, a guiding star. It beckons, attracts, calls to itself. It changes life, leads to itself, through all difficulties and obstacles. The desire for perfection is a meaning that is significant for understanding. The essence that is important for understanding and the vector that determines the truth. I.-17./II./2. Sin ….. Perfektion (Kosin) Leuchtturm, Wahrzeichen, Leitstern. Winkt, zieht an, ruft sich selbst an. Verändert das Leben, führt zu dir selbst, durch alle Schwierigkeiten und Hindernisse. Das Streben nach Exzellenz ist eine Bedeutung, die es zu verstehen gilt. Die Essenz ist wichtig für das Verständnis und der Vektor, der die Wahrheit bestimmt. I.-17./II./2. S in ….. 完璧 ( Kosin ) 灯台、ランドマーク、導きの星。手招きし、引き寄せ、自らに呼びかけます。あらゆる困難や障害を乗り越え、人生を変え、自分自身へと導きます。卓越性の追求には、理解に値する意味があります。本質は理解するために重要であり、真実を決定するベクトルです。 I.-17./II./2. Sin ….. Perfectio (Kosin) Phari, limes, sideris. Annuit, invitat, ad se vocat. Mutati...

The Essence of Evil (Sebig)

  The Essence of Evil (Sebig ) Let's assume that such a term exists. Its essence is simple - to harm the one who wears it. Evil cannot be something that brings benefit, that develops, that moves forward. Evil can only be something that destroys the wearer himself, the culture. And even if you hear that this is done with a "good purpose", you should not believe it. True evil never does anything with a good purpose, does not try to help. Even if there is a short-term effect of benefit, in the long term, it can lead to destruction. When working with someone, accepting something, it is important to evaluate all the consequences of the choice. If the consequences are catastrophic, and the benefit is fleeting, this is precisely evil. And nothing else, no matter how one would like to seem. I.-16./II./1. Sin ….. Die Essenz des Bösen (Sebig) Nehmen wir an, dass es einen solchen Begriff gibt. Sein Wesen ist einfach: Demjenigen Schaden zuzufügen, der es trägt. Etwas,...

Softness in smoothness (Sdan)

  Softness in smoothness (Sdan) Nothing has more power than smoothness. Than lightness, softness, capable of changing everything around. A quality capable of turning all the foundations upside down, putting in a new vector, creating a new reality. A unique feature, an original, individual ability that can do everything. A feature for which nothing is impossible. Finding the softness contained in smoothness, you can achieve everything that is possible. I.-14./II./1. Sin ….. Weichheit in Geschmeidigkeit (Sdan) Nichts hat mehr Kraft als Geschmeidigkeit. Als Leichtigkeit, Weichheit, die alles um sich herum verändern kann. Eine Qualität, die alles umdrehen, in eine neue Form bringen und eine neue Realität schaffen kann. Eine einzigartige Eigenschaft, eine originelle, individuelle Fähigkeit, die alles kann. Eine Eigenschaft, für die nichts unmöglich ist. Wenn Sie die Weichheit finden, die in der Glätte steckt, können Sie alles erreichen, was Sie können. I .-14./ II ./1....

Valkyrie (M...)

  Valkyrie (M...) The image of a strong, majestic woman. A warrior who follows the path of honor, loyalty, dignity and justice. An independent, proud and majestic woman. A woman who sincerely values ​​ virtues and brings them to peo ple. A worthy and reliable companion, a faithful and caring mother. The personification of truth, who values ​​ people devoted to her and despises people who betrayed her. On the tip of her spear, Valkyrie brings deliverance from meanness, lust, greed and c ruelty. In her heart, Valkyrie brings loyalty, honor, decency and justice. True benefactors and true virtues of the human race. The last time, in the human world, the image of the majestic Valkyrie appeared not so long ago, in noble and respectable Germany. Then she was not accepted by the world, which did not want to accept the path of loyalty and honor. But I sincerely believe that such a worthy and pure image will return to this world again. And again he will lead people. He will lead them for...