
Showing posts from October, 2024

The first obstacle to changing yourself

  The first obstacle to changing yourself A common mistake is to think that entering a new life is painless and easy. Not only life changes, but also the personality. And the old personality does not want to die. It wants, as before, all life to belong only to it. When changes begin, it hinders, it harms, it interferes. The old personality tries to destroy the new one so that everything is as before. So that nothing changes and becomes different. Otherwise, this new one will be its death, its tragic, but natural end. During such a change, two personalities will live inside - the old and the new. The new one will help to achieve what is desired, strive for changes. The old one, on the contrary, will harm, interfere, pull everything onto itself. And there will be a war between them. A war in which only one can win. I.10./I./2. Sin ….. Das erste Hindernis, sich selbst zu verändern Ein häufiger Fehler besteht darin, anzunehmen, dass der Einstieg in ein neues Leben schmerzlos


  Baum A term from my world that I would like to introduce. ….. Lost, lost, no longer in full balance. Gradually, gently, slowly, comes to its original state. Completes a cycle, is renewed, supplemented. Becomes something new and at the same time old. Takes on the same form as it was before, but somewhat different. Becomes both old and new at the same time. It no longer has the concept of new or old. I.8./I./2. Sin ….. Baum Ein Begriff aus meiner Welt, den ich gerne vorstellen möchte. ….. Verloren, verloren, nicht mehr im vollen Gleichgewicht. Allmählich, sanft, langsam kehrt es in seinen ursprünglichen Zustand zurück. Schließt den Zyklus ab, wird aktualisiert, ergänzt. Es wird etwas Neues und zugleich Altes. Es nimmt die gleiche Form an wie zuvor, ist jedoch etwas anders. Es wird gleichzeitig alt und neu. Es enthält nicht mehr das Konzept von neu oder alt. I.8./I./2. S in ….. バウム 私の世界の用語を紹介したいと思います。 …… 失われた、失われた、もはや完全なバランスではありません。徐々に、優しく、ゆっくりと、元の状態に戻り

Is it too late to change your life?

  Is it too late to change your life? As long as a person breathes, it is not too late to change your life. And it is very useful. If you are not happy with something, you should not tolerate it. You should not think that this something that you are not happy with will change, will become better. It will not change and will not become, it is what it is. I am almost 40 years old. For about 20 of them, I have been waging a war. Against the environment in which I find myself. Against the qualities and principles that are imposed on me. Yes, I was stupid before, although I said smart things. I hoped that the environment would hear, understand and become better. That the environment would become such that it would be comfortable. But it does not work. Because the desire to change the world for the better cannot lead to its change if it is not mutual. In order to change the world, the world itself must recognize imperfection and learn to at least listen. The only way out is to destroy

Heroes and Murderers

Heroes and Murderers I will describe a real situation and actions committed at an interval of 80 years. And you will evaluate its participants. I wonder who you will call Heroes and who murderers? 2024. Today in the city where I live, explosions were heard for half a day. The Russian army once again tried to destroy the infrastructure with missiles. Part of the city was damaged. According to the authorities, the city is protected by the Ukrainian army and air defense. But it does not protect the city, it destroys it. It shoots down Russian missiles over the city, the debris of which falls on residential areas and kills people. It aims and launches its own, Ukrainian missiles, at residential areas, killing its own people. Not strangers, but those whom it is obliged to protect. The Ukrainian army is deliberately destroying Ukrainian people. Why do you think? You will be surprised, but the Russian army hits precisely the targets, military targets. But in order to beg for weapons and m

Would I like to improve the world?

  Would I like to improve the world? Of course. But will this improvement help? Is there any point in it? The modern world is dead. Studying history, I saw people in the past. Honest, open, decent, hard-working. These people had dreams that they realized. They were alive. They were free. Now they are gone, they were destroyed. Under the guise of well-being, human society destroyed people themselves. What is the point of existence, communicating without people? What is the point of doing something where everything is already dead? Yes, life has become easier. But the price for this was a complete loss of reality. People lost themselves, lost the most valuable thing they had. And were left with nothing. So what to do in this world? Completely devoid of life and meaning? I.6./I./1. Sin ….. Möchte ich die Welt verbessern? Natürlich. Aber wird diese Verbesserung helfen? Macht es Sinn? Die moderne Welt ist tot. Während ich Geschichte studierte, sah ich Menschen aus der Vergangenh


  Denk A term from my world that I would like to introduce. ….. Ease in every moment. Smoothness in every touch. The air becomes heavy, significantly lightening the body. Matter seems to rise above space, envelop it, rise above it. It becomes so light that it forms another reality. A reality in which everything is possible. A reality in which you can soar, enjoying every moment, every movement. The space itself involuntarily circles around, enveloping matter. This creates a precedent, creates conditions when everything is possible, everything is real and easy. Lightness is the basis of everything, the very essence is in lightness and movement. I.5./I./2. Sin ….. Denk Ein Begriff aus meiner Welt, den ich gerne vorstellen möchte. ….. Leichtigkeit in jedem Moment. Geschmeidigkeit bei jeder Berührung. Die Luft wird schwer und der Körper wird deutlich leichter. Materie scheint sich über den Raum zu erheben, sich um ihn zu biegen, sich über ihn zu erheben. Es wird so leic

Why is there hatred and cruelty all around

  Why is there hatred and cruelty all around It's simple, because they are specially nurtured and cultivated. But the main thing is who cultivates it, an individual or society? From what I know about civilized societies, if hatred and cruelty appear there, it is a private phenomenon. Unsuccessful upbringing of specific people by specific people. A difficult childhood, psychological trauma of specific people. But, society at the same time pursues a constructive policy and emphasizes peace and order. And this is normal. Because local mistakes that arise in the form of cruel, aggressive people can be corrected. Because it is local. Such people can be restored, rehabilitated, returned to the path of peace and order. But what to do with a situation when hatred and cruelty are cultivated by society itself, purposefully and with emphasis? I live among those who call themselves Slavs. Before 1917, this region was prosperous, it had a civilized society. This society interacted with the


  Sin After recovering from the shocks, I will decide to create something new. I hope, interesting and useful. More precisely, the old, which was always suppressed and destroyed in me. But not what is around. I have systematized and organized everything, found order. And now I can speak. I will speak not with the environment in which I find myself, but with the civilized world. The world that is capable of understanding me. Not to accept, I do not seek to be accepted, but to understand. The world that will be able to do what the environment in which I find myself could not do. I will publish different things. There will also be an analysis of the environment in which I find myself. There will also be my own world, which few will understand, but I will try to make it so that they understand. There will also be reflections on the world that I would like to see instead of the environment in which I find myself. I will also present the worlds in which I studied, which helped me in life